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matthew says:

I’m new to this pokemon mini stuff and I’m wondering how to put homebrew on it if any one can tell me how I’d like to know please.

lupin says:

hi matthew, you need a flashcart to run homebrew on the mini. I can sell those to you, it’s about 60 euros for one cart and flasher.

Just contact me for more infos.

matthew says:

I don’t use euros I live in canada

matthew says:

could I get one from ebay

matthew says:

because that’s a little expensive for me

Lupin says:

there are no other flashcarts for pokemon mini. you won’t find them on ebay. i am making these myself. it’s so expensive because it’s all handmade.

matthew says:


matthew says:

I’ll think about getting one

zoranc says:

i was waiting for those several years and i’m so happy they are available. frankly i expected a higher price for something that involves so much manual labor – soldering chips of this size by hand, is next to imposible imo.

matthew says:

true it is probably worth the cash with what it dose and how hard it is to make it.

matthew says:

how long do they take to make?

PokeMasterP says:

I’m just getting into pokemon mimis and was wondering if you could give me an estimate for a flashcart and pokemon mini if possible in usd

heather says:

Hello, i am waiting to be able to login 🙂

madmatt986 says:

Im intrested in buying a flashcart how much do they cost?

Mr.Blinky says:

Contact Lupin. Go to Flashcart section, Ordering details and look for a email link there.

Knowhisown says:

Lupin doesnt respond to emails or anything of the sort I have been trying to order one for three months.

Any fans of the Pokemon Mini here should consider editing many of the Bulbapedia articles which are stub or incomplete such as Pichu Bros. mini, Togepi’s Great Adventure, Pokemon Race, and Pokemon Puzzle Collection. Images from your Pokemon mini’s there would also be great.

The homebrew section makes me think of one thing instantaneously: flash games. One of you techie types, could you make a few online flash games based upon the Pokemon mini games? Thanks.

Pokemon Mini says:

The homebrew section makes me think of one thing instantaneously: flash games. One of you techie types, could you make a few online flash games based upon the Pokemon mini games? Thanks.

zoranc says:

You posted it twice, but I still fail to see a motivation or reasoning behind it. There a very good reasons not to do it because there are loads of flash games out there already. Second flash is a dying platform and even Adobe acknowledges that.

p0p says:

I’ve been here for quite a while, sorry for that – but seeing what you have achieved really makes my happy. Psychic seeds is the best thing I have ever seen on the Pokemon Mini, maybe one of the best homebrew games I have ever seen. You guys rock + rule (JB ;))

elena says:

hey, im new to this pokemon mini business but i was curious to know if its possible for me to buy another pokemon party game and wipe the game clean off that and put homebrew on that since i cant get one of the handmade ones ?