
The BIOS Overview

The internal BIOS consists of a 4kB program image built to initialize the system, bring it out of sleep and various other system specific tasks. Since the Pokemon Mini is never technically off, only suspended, BIOS is used for tasks like enabling power to the system and responding to various at rest IRQs.

The BIOS image begins with a 256 byte IRQ vector table, consisting of 128 16-bit vectors (only first 76 are valid). The system reserves 32 vectors for hardware IRQs, the rest are used for software calls. It is worth noting that all IRQs are latched on the rising edge of an event, so button presses and IR receive is only latched when the IR receiver is active 1 or if a button has been press, but not released.

The IRQ Vector Table

Bios IRQ Vector Table
IRQ BIOS Cart IRQ IRQ Group Hardware Strobe Description
$00 0000:009A 0 Non-Maskable System Start-up / System Reset
$01 0002:00AB Non-Maskable Unused
$02 0004:00AB Non-Maskable Unused
$03 0006:01CF 1 $20[7..6] $27,7 PRC Copy Complete
$04 0008:01E0 2 $20[7..6] $27,6 PRC Frame Divider Overflow
$05 000A:01F1 3 $20[5..4] $27,5 Timer2 Upper-8 Underflow
$06 000C:0202 4 $20[5..4] $27,4 Timer2 Lower-8 Underflow (8-bit only)
$07 000E:0213 5 $20[3..2] $27,3 Timer1 Upper-8 Underflow
$08 0010:0224 6 $20[3..2] $27,2 Timer1 Lower-8 Underflow (8-bit only)
$09 0012:0235 7 $20[1..0] $27,1 Timer3 Upper-8 Underflow
$0A 0014:0246 8 $20[1..0] $27,0 Timer3 Pivot
$0B 0016:025A 9 $21[7..6] $28,5 32Hz (From 256Hz Timer)
$0C 0018:026B 10 $21[7..6] $28,4 8Hz (From 256Hz Timer)
$0D 001A:027C 11 $21[7..6] $28,3 2Hz (From 256Hz Timer)
$0E 001C:028D 12 $21[7..6] $28,2 1Hz (From 256Hz Timer)
$0F 001E:029E 13 $22[1..0] $2A,7 IR Receiver
$10 0020:02AF 14 $22[1..0] $2A,6 Shock Sensor
$11 0022:00AB $2A,5 Unused
$12 0024:00AB $2A,4 Unused
$13 0026:043E $21[5..4] $28,1 Cartridge Ejected
$14 0028:02C0 26 $21[5..4] $28,0 Cartridge IRQ
$15 002A:03BA 15 $21[3..2] $29,7 Power Key
$16 002C:02D1 16 $21[3..2] $29,6 Right Key
$17 002E:02E2 17 $21[3..2] $29,5 Left Key
$18 0030:02F3 18 $21[3..2] $29,4 Down Key
$19 0032:0304 19 $21[3..2] $29,3 Up Key
$1A 0034:0315 20 $21[3..2] $29,2 C Key
$1B 0036:0326 21 $21[3..2] $29,1 B Key
$1C 0038:0337 22 $21[3..2] $29,0 A Key
$1D 003A:0348 23 $2A,2
$1E 003C:035C 24 $2A,1
$1F 003E:036D 25 $2A,0
IRQ BIOS (Software only) Description
$20 0040:FFF1 User IRQ Routine at PC 0xFFF1
$21 0042:0713 Suspend System
$22 0044:077C Sleep ??
$23 0046:078B Sleep with display on ??
$24 0048:079D Shutdown System (Use this to exit your game!)
$25 004A:07B1  ?? (Involves Cartridge Eject)
$26 004C:07E9 Set default LCD Constrast (A = Contrast level 0x00 to 0x3F)
$27 004E:0802 Increase or decrease Contrast based of Zero flag (0 = Increase, 1 = Decrease)
Return A = 0x00 if succeed, 0xFF if not.
$28 0050:081B Apply default LCD Constrast
$29 0052:0821 Get default LCD Contrast (return A)
$2A 0054:0830 Set temporary LCD Constrast (A = Contrast level 0x00 to 0x3F)
$2B 0056:084E Turn LCD On
$2C 0058:0871 Initialize LCD
$2D 005A:08CB Turn LCD Off
$2E 005C:08EC Enable RAM vector. (Check if Register 0x01 Bit 7 is set, if not, it set bit 6 and 7)
$2F 005E:0904 Disable RAM vector
$30 0060:0923 Disable Cart Eject IRQ 13 (with abort)
$31 0062:092E Enable Cart Eject IRQ 13 (with abort)
$32 0064:0949  ?? (Involves Cartridge Eject)
$33 0066:0961  ?? (Involves Cartridge Eject)
$34 0068:097D Nintendo Dev Card (??)
$35 006A:09E4 Nintendo Dev Card (??)
$36 006C:0A4F  ?? (Involves Cartridge Eject)
$37 006E:0A76 Disable Cartridge Eject IRQ (Reg 0x24, Bit 1 = 0)
$38 0070:0A81  ?? (Involves Cartridge Eject)
$39 0072:0AA6 Rumored to speed up CPU?
$3A 0074:0ACD Recover from IRQ $39?
$3B 0076:0AE6 Cart power off and update state
$3C 0078:0AF9 Cart power on and update state
$3D 007A:0B20 Cart detect. Z: No cart, NZ: Cart inserted (Test Register 0x53 Bit 1 and invert Zero flag)
$3E 007C:0B2E Read structure, write 0xFF, compare values and optionally jump to subroutine

X point to a structure in memory:
structure {
 byte   type            ; 0x01 = Call subroutine, 0x00 = Don't call subroutine
 triple write_0xFF_addr ; Address that 0xFF will be written
 triple compare_addr    ; Address to read for compare
 byte   compare_value   ; Value that must match the compare
 triple subroutine      ; Use byte POP to receive flag of the compare
if type is 0x00, register A return 0x01 if compare is equal
$3F 007E:0B8F Set PRC Rate (A = 0 to 7)
$40 0080:0BA3 Get PRC Rate (return A)
$41 0082:0BB1 Test cart type. Returns Z: non multi cart, NZ: multi cart (Register 0x01 Bit 3)
$42 0084:047A Nintendo Dev Card (Read IDs)
$43 0086:0493 Nintendo Dev Card (Reset)
$44 0088:04A4 Nintendo Dev Card (Program Byte)
$45 008A:04C8 Nintendo Dev Card (Erase Sector)
$46 008C:04F5 Nintendo Dev Card (Unlock flash page register. Command 0xD0)
$47 008E:0506 Nintendo Dev Card (Select flash bank. A=bank Nr, X last address of flash page)
$48 0090:0517 Nintendo Dev Card (Command 0xC9)
$49 0092:0529 Nintendo Dev Card (Prepare Manufacturer and device ID readout. Command 0xC0)
$4A 0094:053A Nintendo Dev Card (Select flash game. A = game Nr. ([0x041048 + 96 * A] if 0x08 -> Command 0xC9)
$4B 0096:0000 Nintendo SDK
$4C 0098:0BBD IR pulse MOV [Y], $02 ; wait B*16 Cycles ; MOV [Y], $00


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