Cartridge Pinouts
Conn. | Card | TSOP | Name | Direction | Function |
1 | B1 | note 1 | VCC | . | Power supply. |
2 | B1.5 | note 1 | VCC | . | Power supply. |
3 | B2 | 2 | A20 | OUT | Address bit 20. |
4 | B2.5 | 3 | A9/A19 | OUT | Address bit 9 is latched when LALH is high. Address bit 19 is latched when HALH is high. |
5 | B3 | 4 | A8/A18 | OUT | Address bit 8 is latched when LALH is high. Address bit 18 is latched when HALH is high. |
6 | B3.5 | 5 | A7/A17 | OUT | Address bit 7 is latched when LALH is high. Address bit 17 is latched when HALH is high. |
7 | B4 | 6 | A6/A16 | OUT | Address bit 6 is latched when LALH is high. Address bit 16 is latched when HALH is high. |
8 | B4.5 | 7 | A5/A15 | OUT | Address bit 5 is latched when LALH is high. Address bit 15 is latched when HALH is high. |
9 | B5 | 8 | A4/A14 | OUT | Address bit 4 is latched when LALH is high. Address bit 14 is latched when HALH is high. |
10 | B5.5 | 9 | A3/A13 | OUT | Address bit 3 is latched when LALH is high. Address bit 13 is latched when HALH is high. |
11 | B6 | 10 | A2/A12 | OUT | Address bit 2 is latched when LALH is high. Address bit 12 is latched when HALH is high. |
12 | B6.5 | 11 | A1/A11 | OUT | Address bit 1 is latched when LALH is high. Address bit 11 is latched when HALH is high. |
13 | B7 | 12 | A0/A10 | OUT | Address bit 0 is latched when LALH is high. Address bit 10 is latched when HALH is high. |
14 | B7.5 | note 1 | VCC | . | Power supply. |
15 | B8 | 14 | HALE | OUT | High address bits are latched when HALE is high. |
16 | . | . | . | . | No pad on cartridge. |
17 | B9/M1 | 15 | LALE | OUT | Low address bits are latched when LALE is high. |
18 | B9.5 | note 2 | GND | . | Ground. |
19 | B10 | 31 | D0 | BIDIR | Data bit 0 is output when OE is high. |
20 | B10.5 | 30 | D1 | BIDIR | Data bit 1 is output when OE is high. |
21 | B11 | 29 | D2 | BIDIR | Data bit 2 is output when OE is high. |
22 | B11.5 | 27 | D3 | BIDIR | Data bit 3 is output when OE is high. |
23 | B12 | 26 | D4 | BIDIR | Data bit 4 is output when OE is high. |
24 | B12.5 | 25 | D5 | BIDIR | Data bit 5 is output when OE is high. |
25 | B13 | 23 | D6 | BIDIR | Data bit 6 is output when OE is high. |
26 | B13.5 | 22 | D7 | BIDIR | Data bit 7 is output when OE is high. |
27 | B14 | 20 | OE | OUT | Output Enable. Data bits are output when OE is high. |
28 | B14.5 | . | IRQ | IN | Cause “Cartridge IRQ” interrupt when IRQ go high. |
29 | B15 | 19 | WE | OUT | Write Enable. Pulled down with 100K in cartridge. |
30 | B15.5 | 18 | CS | OUT | Chip select. Enables chip control. Pulled down with 100K in cartridge. |
31 | B16 | . | CARD_N | IN | Card detect. Active-low. It is connected to GND in the cartridge. |
32 | B16.5 | note 2 | GND | . | Ground. |
33 | B17 | note 2 | GND | . | Ground. |
note 1: VCC on pin 1,21,28,32. LVTTL.
note 2: GND on pin 13,16,17,24.
note 3: Directions are relative to the system
PM = Pokémon Mini
IN = Input
OUT = Output
BIDIR = Bi-Directional
TSOP = Thin Small Outline Package
LVTTL = Low Voltage Transistor-Transistor Level (3.3 Volt)
ROM = Read Only Memory
ALH = Address Latch High
OE = Output Enable
A? = Address signal
CS? = Chip Select
VCC = Power supply
GND = Signal ground
MX23L4004 TSOP package .-------------/ /-------------. | 1 VCC VCC 32 | | 2 A20 D0 31 | | 3 A9/A19 D1 30 | | 4 A8/A18 D2 29 | | 5 A7/A17 VCC 28 | | 6 A6/A16 D3 27 | | 7 A5/A15 D4 26 | | 8 A4/A14 D5 25 | | 9 A3/A13 GND 24 | | 10 A2/A12 D6 23 | | 11 A1/A11 D7 22 | | 12 A0/A10 VCC 21 | | 13 GND OE 20 | | 14 HALE WE 19 | | 15 LALE CS 18 | | 16 GND GND 17 | `-------------/ /-------------'
PCB silk screen text
“4M MASKROM” (4 Mbit)
Pads B1 to B17 are labeled.
“MX23L4004-12A” (Macronix)
“MIN-MPBE-0 E” (Mini PinBall)