======================================================================== ||| Pokemon Mini Sodateyan ||| ======================================================================== FAQ By Titney titney AT pocketheaven DOT com 2004-12-02 * Features * - Vibration - Shock sensor - Infra red - Clock function - Uses 1 save page - Interrupt Save It will always return to where u were when you turn it off. Even if you remove the cart! * Language * This game is the most language heavy apart from the card game. However most of the actual game is not that much language but symbols. The only part of the game you need to know Japanese for is the different kinds of Poroks. * Game * Raise a pokemon! Virtual pet with a twist, instead of keeping it alive as long as possible you aim to train it as fast as possible. Sodateyan means raise/rear/bring up/foster. A doctor gives you a foster Pokemon to raise, and when it's fully grown you will give it back to him. Choose between Kimori, Achamo, and Mizugorou (the Ruby/Sapphire starters) and play with it, train it, feed it Pokefood and it will grow up. Pet it and love it and it will grow into a fine Pokemon fast! * Menu Descriptions * - Start Screen Change selection with up and down Press C shoulder to display clock/date 1. Game Start 2. Options 3: Visitor Gallery 4: Pokemon Gallery (appears after the first Pokemon has been raised) - Room Press B-button to show the clock 1. Bed 2. Toy drawers 3. Window 4. Light Switch 5. Mute mode on/off marker 6. Energy meter 7. Hunger meter - Main Menu 1. [door] Door 2. [fork and knife] Pokemon Food 3. [brush] Brushing 4. [mailbox] Post 5. [pokemon] Growth Chart 6. [phone] Phone 7. [book] Info 8. [Pokemon Mini] Quick Break - Growth Chart screen 1. Energy meter 2. Hunger meter 3. Picture 4. Name 5. Age (days) 6. Love meter 7. Strength meter 8. Intelligence meter 9. Beauty meter - Starter Pokemon The three starter Pokemon eggs you get to choose from are the same as in Sapphire/Ruby 1. Achamo (Torchic, Fire/Flying) 2. Kimori (Treecko, Grass) 3. Mizugorou (Mudkip, Water) - Porok (Porokku/Porock) Listed in the Food menu as Color/Level Increases certain of the meters You need to know Japanese to know which Porok is which but feeding it random Poroks won't hurt it. Red (akai) increses Beauty and Strength Blue (aoi) increses Beauty and Intelligence Pink (momoiro) increses Beauty and Love Green (midoro) increses Intelligence Yellow (kiiro) increses Strength * Controls * - Pad Move the hand pointer around, move it over the Pokemon to pet it. - A-button Lift the Pokemon, when it's close pet it, stroke it, feed it. - B-button Cancel an action or a selection - C-button Show the Main Menu, turn sound on/off - Shake Shake the Pokemon Mini to make the Pokemon come closer - Vibrator The Pokemon Mini will shake and beep when the Pokemon wants your attention * Strategy * - How to make the Growth Chart meters go up 1. Energy meter Let it sleep in the bed. Note if it falls asleep flat on its face on the floor it will be grumpy and you'll have to pet it to make it happy again. If the Hunger meter depletes it will grow tired even if it sleeps. Turn the light off to make it recover faster. 2. Hunger meter Feed it pokemon food. The Poroks does not make the hunger meter go down, but changes other stats. You can only give it one Porok each time you feed it. Sometimes it will refuse to eat a Porok it doesn't like. 3. Picture If the pokemon is lying flat on its face here it needs to sleep more even if the energy meter is up. Also try petting it a bit to make it happy. 4. Name This is the pokemon name. 5. Age (days) Just let time pass and leave the cart in the Pokemon Mini. 6. Love meter Pet it and brush it and keep it clean. Shake the pokemon mini to make it come running and then pet it. 7. Strength meter Play with it, train it on the climber in the playground. 8. Intelligence meter Play with it using the toys. 9. Beauty Goes up when you brush it profusely, as it goes up the pokemon won't get as dirty. - Room Indoors 1. Bed Lift it up and put it in the bed to rest and sleep 2. Toy drawers Pick a toy to play with from the drawers 3. Window Changes from day to night and guests will appear here 4. Light Switch Flip it to turn the light on and off 5. Mute mode on/off marker Hold the C-button for a while and press A or B to turn the sound on or off. 6. Energy meter 7. Hunger meter - Main Menu Details - Main Menu 1. [door] Door - lets the pokemon go inside/outside 2. [fork and knife] Pokemon food - feed your pokemon food and Poroks 3. [brush] Brushing - clean pokemon 4. [mailbox] Post - make/send/get Poroks 5. [pokemon] Growth Chart - How is your pokemon developing 6. [phone] Phone - Japanese info and tips 7. [book] Info - Japanese info and tips 8. [Pokemon Mini] Quick Break - Returns to the Start Screen 1. Door lets the pokemon go inside/outside 2. Pokemon food first entry is pokemon food, makes the hunger meter go up. the other boxes are for poroks you make with the remote. it doesn't like eat certain bitter kinds of poroks. 3. Brushing clean pokemon after it's eaten and got dirty, or been outside and got dirty. hold A button down and stroke over the dirty patches to make them go away. This also makes your pokemon like you more and generally happier. 4. Post make/send/get Poroks choose the pokemon mini > remote control symbol then aim any IR remote at the IR port on the top of the Pmini press any button on the IR remote and a random Porok will be created 5. Growth Chart see above 6. Phone get informative phonecalls from other trainers and professor. text only and useless unless you know japanese 7. Info Also text only japanese. 8. Quick Break Returns you to the start screen. This prevents the pokemon from jumping out of bed on its own looking for you. It will stop it from getting exhausted from sleeping on the floor. However, time will still pass, and it will still get hungry, even if you remove the cart(!) - Toys New toys appear in random order each time you make a 1m more on the playground. The feather is there from the start. Feather: drag it around to make the pokemon chase it, press A to wave it to make it chase it more, wave it over the pokemon to make it jump. Bubble wand: move it up and down to set the height, then press and hold A to make a bubble hold longer for bigger bubble but it might burst, then watch the pokemon chase the bubble to the other end of the room. Bucket: Lift the bucket up with the A button and try to drop if on top of the poor pokemon who will run around aimlessly till it knocks into a wall shaking the bucket off. Camera: Try to catch the Pokemon in the view finder, press A to take a shot. Ghost: Scare it by pressing A, chase it around the room. Try to press A while your pokemon is turned towards it. Kind of mean toy o_o; Piano: Press the A button to make the pokemon play a pretty rhythm Radio: Move the cursor and press the A button to make the pokemon dance and twirl to the rhythm. Remote Control Car: accelerate with a turn it around with the pad * Walkthrough/Strategy * - Start of game Enter name Choose between the three eggs which pokemon you want. Left: Achamo (yellow chick) Torchic Fire Middle: Kimori (green wood gecko) Treecko Grass Right: Mizugorou (blue mud fish) Mudkip Water Place the pokemon in the basket by picking it up with the A-button. Gently stroke the egg by moving the hand over it (without pressing any buttons) The meter on the top left will go down, when it's at the bottom the egg will hatch. Hint/Cheat: Put the egg close to the wall and place the hand on top and keep right on the pad pressed for super fast hatching. - Room Inside It falls asleep then it beeps and knocks the inside of the screen when it wakes up and wants to play. Play with it in the room or outside. Remember to wipe off the dirt with the brush. Feed it when the hunger meter isn't full. It gets dirty from eating too. Once the energy meter goes down it needs to sleep again. It will yawn and look tired and miserable or even fall flat on its face, so put it back in the basket and turn out the light. Shake the pmini to make it pay attention, shake it a few times to make it come running and you can pet it. you can use the toys in the toy drawers to play also. Shake the Pokemon Mini and your pokemon will come over to be petted. If it's hungry it will beep and make the pokemon mini buzz to get your attention - Guests Pokemon will appear in the window at random times when you turn the pokemon mini on without the pokemon calling for you. Just press B and put the pokemon back to bed if it was sleeping. The guests pics appear in the gallery reached from the main start screen. Guests seem to appear more frequently as the Pokemon gets older. - Playground Outside (water) Left: Challenge, get higher score to earn new toys for the toy drawers, for each new meter you get a new toy. Flying: Long jump, put it on the tree branch and it will fly as far as it can Grass: Climbing, put it on the tree platform and it will climb as high as it can Water: Diving, put it on the platform and it will dive as deep as it can Middle: Plaything, play with it rhytmically to make the Pokemon Happy Flying: Swing, swing it in time Grass: Trampoline, press A just as it lands, you need to time it just right Water: Inflatable floating ring, spin the ring by pressing A at each turn Right: Exercise, click this to make the Pokemon train hard and earn strength Flying: Grass: Climbing ladder, click it to make it climb as high it can Water: Waterfall steps, click on them to make it climb up, it tumbles down easy at first. Use the hand to pet it and make it jump and swim. put it in the inflatable ring and put the hand to the side of it and push A to make it spin, the pokemon will laugh and make a heart and then fall out. put it on the stairs to make it jump up and down. put it on the platform to make it dive, the more practise the deeper it will be able to dive. When it reaches certain new depth you will gain a new toy. jumping mat, time the jumps right so it jumps high tree climing climber to the right swing, swing it rhytmically to keep it happy long jump to the left - End Once three of the meter bars all filled up the game will immediately be over. You can wave bye to the pokemon but that's it. A photo of the pokemon and its new owner will be put in the album and you can choose a new pokemon and start over. There is room in the gallery for 15 Pokemon portraits. The guest gallery will keep filling up for each new Pokemon. * Thanks to * Rui