I will laugh if you did transfer a .zip file instead of a .min file
If you insert the flash card on the back, shake it hard and it simply drops into the floor or hear *tsh tsh tsh* like a broken toy it will mean that your card is clearly loose and it's nowhere near making contact into the edge connector pins... then that's the problem.
Ok, time to get serious...
Your flash card need to be inside a game plastic case which need to be slightly modded... unless Lupin is selling those with the case (which i doubt due to rarity of the cartridges nowadays, it should sky-rocket the cost of the flash card)
It's very simple to mod, you only need a screwdriver and a razor blade.
Just take a unused/extra game (or use your Pokemon Party if you don't have any), open it up (not easy due to special screw), throw away the game PCB, carefully cut the plastic to make it fit inside (you'll need to cut a hole for the flash programmer cable and a rectangle cut for the Flash chip on the bottom), close it up and if it feels solid then it will work as good as a regular game cartridge.