Pac-it for Pokemon Mini

PM development, programming, hacking and all that fun stuff.
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Pac-it for Pokemon Mini

Post by gameblabla »

Hello i'm gameblabla,
i was registered as blabla here but sadly lost my control of it because of openmailbox disappearing overnight...
Anyway after i bought a Pokemini again (back then, i used to have 2 of them but they both died and we threw them away), i saw a thread about pac-it and i was wondering if i could come up
with a quick PokeMini port for it as it seems no one bothered to actually do the port.

So i grabbed the new homebrew devkit and started to work on it.
It's been a while and i've actually released it on youtube, github and discord but not here up until now.


You can download the game (provided with colormapper files) here : ...

Youtube video :

Source code :

Enjoy guys. I hope to have enough money to get me the ditto linker in the future.
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Re: Pac-it for Pokemon Mini

Post by VirtualChris »

Nice! In case you're wondering why nobody is on here, Pokemon Mini deving and the Pokemon Mini topic in general is much more popular on Discord.
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Re: Pac-it for Pokemon Mini

Post by YasaSheep »

Yup they're on the Discord, too. :3

But good work! I played this before when you originally linked the GitHub. Never played the original Pac-it, but this was pretty fun.
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