FLASH cartridge
FLASH cartridge
well, sadly Lameboyadvance needs much much longer this time to get the chips, so for all of you waiting for the flashcarts to be finished and sent: SOOOORRRYY, hang on little more ;P
FLASH cartridge
Wow, I would love to buy a flash cartridge for one of these! Are there going to be more available in the future? Is there a waiting list?
FLASH cartridge
Flashcart-shop URL: http://shop.pspdev.de
FLASH cartridge
...and yes, you'll need some patience, there is a list of ppl waiting ;P
FLASH cartridge
correct...there are some server problems that will be fixed soon - or the shop will probably move. Keep trying ;P
FLASH cartridge
Seems like I can back off for a while? ;P
I still have to toy around with those flashchips. I'm (not too) busy with other things too.
I still have to toy around with those flashchips. I'm (not too) busy with other things too.
FLASH cartridge
p0p, just to let you know i like to pay $50 or $60 for the flashcart seems a cool thing and sure would help us pokemon mini freaks to have more fun out of it, you know how to contact me on #nintendods or #dsdev
FLASH cartridge
I'd be interested in a flash cart too. The link to the store is still down? (and hi Djoen