Tuesday, October 25th, 2022First released: February 12, 2022
A clone of Pac-it, a game originally released for Dreamcast VMU.
Source on GitHub, written for the Epson C compiler.
First released: February 12, 2022
A clone of Pac-it, a game originally released for Dreamcast VMU.
Source on GitHub, written for the Epson C compiler.
Release date: August 19, 2013
Sonic & Mario are in Hell but they have no intention to stay here
and they want to escape ! Plus , they have infinite lives too…
Don’t let them go !
This game was made for the re-release of Lupin’s flashcarts , i hope you’ll enjoy it !
Source on GitHub, written for the VBCC compiler.
Release date: August 18, 2011
No source code
Sonic Arena is a game where you must destroy the robots of Dr.Robotnik.
You must make the best score before dying.
(Yeah , that’s a simple game)
Release date: December 04, 2005
No source code
Pong clone, only 1P works … sadly YasaSheep lost the source code 🙁
Release date: January 16, 2005
Source included (Old format)
Clone of Nokia Snake, no sound but the machine rumble when you eat a fruit 🙂