Pokémon Party mini 2

Monday, March 18th, 2024

A fan sequel to Pokémon Party mini, it’s a collection of 3 minigames: Moving Marill, Electrode’s Eventful Evening, and Kangaskhan Keeps Jumping. Use left and right to scroll through the options and A to select.

Excerpts taken from its website:

Moving Marill

Marill is in a bind. Seems like this Pokémon picked the wrong place to go diving for aquatic plants to eat. There are two hungry piranha fish just waiting for a Marill meal. How long can Marill survive? If you touch the fish, you lose health. Get the health down to 0 and it’s game over for the cute little critter. Use the d pad to move Marill around the screen.

Electrode’s Eventful Evening

Electrode was rolling around on the sidewalk one sunny summer evening when he spotted a bolt of lightning. He likes them so he went to go get it. And then another appeared. And another! But Electrode has to be careful: Patrolling the area is a Magcargo. Bump into him and it’s game over! Use the sides of the screen to get away, the Magcargo can’t move there. Use left and right to roll Electrode around the screen.

Kangaskhan Keeps Jumping

It’s no secret: kangaroos like jumping. The same is true in the Pokémon world. And this Kangaskhan is bent on jumping as high as he possibly can. To help him are some platforms to jump on, but if you miss both, the Kangashkan falls to his untimely death. Use left and right to move Kangaskhan around the screen. Kangaskhan jumps automatically, so there’s no need to worry about that.
Code, art, and music by Virtual Chris.
Source included.


Pokémon Party 2
Pokémon Party 2
pokemonpartytwo15.zip (19.2 KB)

Pokémon Party Mini

Sunday, April 11th, 2010


Pokémon Party Mini is a collection of several minigames, including: Hitmonchan’s Boxing, where you shake the system to ‘punch’; Pikachu’s Rocket Start, a game where you have to launch off a starting line before another Pokémon; Bellossom’s Dance, a DDR-like game; Chansey’s Dribble, kick the ball to the finish line as quickly as possible; Slowking’s Judge, predict if the tennis ball will land in or out of the court; Sneasel’s Fakeout, a rock-paper-scissors-like game for two players; Battlefield, where two to six players battle for the highest score; and Celebi’s Clock, which is essentially a clock with date, alarm and stopwatch function.

Additional Info

This game came bundled with the system.

An unused mini game called Snorlax’s Lunch Time could be found amongst the other Pokémon Party Mini mini games in Pokémon Channel for the GameCube.



Pokémon Party Mini (J)
Pokémon Party Mini (J)
party_j.zip (170.6 KB)
Pokémon Party Mini Instruction Booklet (U)
Pokémon Party Mini Instruction Booklet (U)
Pokemon-Party-Mini-Manual-WM.pdf (4.6 MB)

Pichu Bros. Mini

Saturday, April 10th, 2010


Pichu Bros. Mini​ is a collection of several mini games, similar to Pokémon Party Mini.



Pichu Bros. Mini Instruction Booklet (J)
Pichu Bros. Mini Instruction Booklet (J)
PichuBros_jap.pdf (3.2 MB)
Pichu Bros. mini English translation
Pichu Bros. mini English translation
pichu_e_v1.0.1.zip (222.0 KB)