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Flashcart Rev2.1 is available

Sunday, August 4th, 2013


new flashcarts are ready. Please contact me ( to place your order.

You can find pricing information and pictures of the flashcart and linker in the flashcart section:

I plan to produce up to 80 sets of flashcarts/linkers. I hope that’s enough for a while, so that I don’t run out of stock too soon. Right now i have 15 sets ready for shipping 🙂



PokeMini 0.5.0

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

Version 0.5.0 of PokeMini is out! This time JustBurn is taking a big step forward by adding debugging features, a new platform and a lot of other new features. Here is the full list of new features:

  • Debugger is now complete!
  • Reordered menu items better
  • Added Dingux platform (Thanks coccijoe for the port src code)
  • Fixed issue of sound going out of sync
  • Separated piezo filtering (now works with any sound engine)
  • Fixed result of SUB instruction with decimal mode
  • Fixed PRC rate divider
  • Corrected some options in configurations file
  • Multicart support
  • Made sure shared EEPROM and cfg files are only saved on emulator’s executable directory
  • Added “Sync cycles” option that allow to trade between performance and accuracy, higher value can speed up emulation but may cause problems
  • Pressing Left/Right while browsing will now page up/down, selecting drive is now C+Left and C+Right
  • Unofficial colors palette changed (but still backward compatible)
  • New zooms: 5x (480×320) and 6x (576×384)
  • Loading ROM from ZIP package is now supported
  • More palettes and 2 custom ones, they can be edited by pressing A
  • Win32 platform is now fixed and updated
  • Joystick can now be re-defined in portable devices
  • SDL Only: Keyboard can now be re-defined under “Platform…”
  • Dreamcast Only: PAL/NTSC can now be selected under “Platform…”
  • NDS Only: Added FPS counter and rumble pak level adjustment
  • PSP Only: Zoom from 1x to 4x can now be changed under “Platform…”

Downloads of the source and binaries for many systems can be found on the Pokemini Google Code page.

New flasher utility for Rev2 carts

Thursday, June 2nd, 2011

You can download the latest PokeFlash utility for your PokeCard 512 Rev2 from the development tools section. It now supports MrBlinky’s menu ROM, allowing multiple ROMs on the cart and select them via a nice menu.

For everyone who didn’t hear the news yet: The carts are on sale now, there are only a few in stock and they can be ordered through Lupin (more info on the flashcart page).