By: Lupin
Date: Sunday, August 4th, 2013 at 21:21
Comments: 5

Flashcart Rev2.1 is available


new flashcarts are ready. Please contact me ( to place your order.

You can find pricing information and pictures of the flashcart and linker in the flashcart section:

I plan to produce up to 80 sets of flashcarts/linkers. I hope that’s enough for a while, so that I don’t run out of stock too soon. Right now i have 15 sets ready for shipping 🙂



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Lupin says:

And sorry to everyone who already sent an e-Mail and got no response from me, it was because i was out of stock. I hope i contacted everyone who already requested a flashcart from me.

Garrison Andrew Kane says:

I responded to your e-mail with my address…what’s the next step???

Thanks so much!!!

zoranc says:

Wohoooo!!! Flash carts in stock! Yes!

richi says:

you know when new units will have stop?
I would like the set of flashcart + flasher

Eduardo says:

Hi, you know when new flashcarts will be aviable?
I’ve send you a PM but you haven’t answered.
I’m interested in buy you the flascart.