By: KR155E
Date: Wednesday, April 28th, 2010 at 15:11
Comments: 0

Poké launches

Welcome to Poké, your new one-stop source for everything about the Nintendo Pokémon Mini! This site was created as the new home of Team Pokémé, catalyst of the PM hacking and homebrew scene.

To have a seamless transition between sites, we have ported over stuff from the old Team Pokéme site, including all forum posts, and we are continuing the visitor counter. (Please note that we are using a statistics tool, which updates the counter only once a day, so it’s not a live counter.)

Currently the site is still a construction yard and is lacking most content, but we’ll be working on porting the rest of the old site and adding new stuff in the next weeks to bring you an extensive games database among other things.

Please enjoy your stay and, if we got you interested in the smallest ever cartridge-based game system, consider joining our community.

– KR155E & Team Pokémé (p0p, Lupin, JustBurn, DarkFader, DaveX, Asterick)

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