Posts Tagged ‘MIN-KCFO-01’

Sample cart dumped

Wednesday, April 10th, 2024

Kc57 was able to dump the sample cart he purchased, reported earlier, thanks to getting a Sanni Cart Reader and a donor PM cart adapter.

Unfortunately, the contents were exactly the same as the Pokémon Party mini JP cartridge. The PCB is still interesting though!

Given that it’s MPF (Multi-Purpose Flash) it should be writable. I can’t find any datasheet for the SST39VN016-120-4C-WH chip, though.

Another prototype cart found…and bought!

Tuesday, October 25th, 2022

A member of our Discord, Kc57, found another sample cartridge for the PM and was able to successfully win the auction. Soon enough, we should know what’s on it. Note that this sample number is even earlier than the previous one, so there’s a better chance of it being an early version of something.

Prototype Pokémon Mini found

Wednesday, July 13th, 2016

Recently, an extremely rare teal-colored Pokémon Mini prototype handheld was found having been sold on eBay! [Wayback Machine mirror]

This mysterious device was reported by the seller not to be working anymore. It includes a mysterious game cartridge with the label reading “Sample 01011” and has a serial number printed on the PCB that reads “MIN-KCFO-01”. It is unknown what this game cartridge holds. Could it be a work-in-progress Pokémon Mini game that was never released to the public? Perhaps it contains blueprints to the Pokémon Mini console? We will unfortunately never know since the buyer remains anonymous for now.

We at congratulate the buyer for picking up this very rare item. We hope that the buyer contacts us so we can support him at resurrecting this mysterious device and unravel the secrets it may hold.