Monday, March 18th, 2024Based on the popular web game, 2048 comes to the Pokémon mini!
Code and graphics by Zoranc.
Based on the popular web game, 2048 comes to the Pokémon mini!
Code and graphics by Zoranc.
A fan sequel to Pokémon Party mini, it’s a collection of 3 minigames: Moving Marill, Electrode’s Eventful Evening, and Kangaskhan Keeps Jumping. Use left and right to scroll through the options and A to select.
Excerpts taken from its website:
Play as a bat flying through the night skyline. Avoid the obstacles and survive as long as you can.
You get one point every second. At 200, a tail wind pushes you forward.
Code and art by MGNS8M, original project thread over on RetroAchievements.
First released: February 12, 2022
A clone of Pac-it, a game originally released for Dreamcast VMU.
Source on GitHub, written for the Epson C compiler.
Final release date: April 20, 2021
First released: July 06, 2018
Source included
A game about a fruit fly. His name is Frank
Project Website: http://www.atari2600land.com/pokemonmini/ftff.html